Showing Tag: "resealable bags" (Show all posts)

Work always with flexibility

Posted by marionlara on Monday, May 21, 2012, In : business 

Bags either it be made up of plastic or paper is very useful in day to days life. For carrying anything or any material on requires a bag, for shopping, for packaging, for shipping bag plays an important role. Bag is now equivalent to the basic necessity of human kind. Plastic was considered best to make the bags but due to certain qualities of it, it was polluting the nature. Plastic was not degraded in environment when thrown and thus it caused pollution. Moreover many animals who consumed...

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Want to go for shopping???

Posted by marionlara on Monday, April 16, 2012, In : business 

The craze for shopping has grown incredibly in recent years. With the on growing demand the need arose for the retailers to make a good quality packaging bags so that the product packed is safe and the bags should also be eco friendly. The debate came into picture just because the use of plastic bags is increasing drastically and they are not being disposed properly. According to the EPA, less than 2% end up being recycled which is a major concern for environmentalists.

Sometimes resealable ...

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